Katrina is a powerhouse when it comes to inspiring and motivating others. She has been speaking at ministry events and professional business conferences, leading Bible studies, and sharing her wisdom and expertise for over a decade. Her passion is to help individuals deepen their understanding of the word of God and grow and expand their businesses with God at the center. Her commitment to her craft is unparalleled, and her dedication to empowering individuals to overcome their fears and limitations is truly inspiring.
Katrina’s journey toward becoming a public speaker was not an easy one. It required her to be obedient to God’s calling, step outside of her comfort zone, and confront her fears and insecurities head-on. Since 2017, she has made it her mission to help others conquer their own fears and passionately pursue God’s individual calling for their lives. She approaches every speaking engagement with humility and reverence, recognizing that it is through God’s grace that she is able to make a difference in the lives of those around her.
Through her work, Katrina has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of listening to God’s calling and choosing obedience over fear. She has seen individuals and organizations undergo profound changes, all because they were willing to take a leap of faith and trust in God’s plan for their lives. Her stories, experiences, tips, skills, and business acumen have all played a part in inspiring others to step outside their comfort zone and unlock their true potential.
Katrina is a solid speaker with a unique message to bring. I have known Katrina for many years, and have enjoyed watching her grow not only in her own life as a business woman and Christian, but also as a team leader, speaker and teacher. She has a heart to see people prosper spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. She is a joy to be around.
Vickie Jenewein
For Katrina, the key to success lies in getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Fear can be paralyzing, holding us back from reaching our goals and fulfilling our potential. But by embracing discomfort and taking the first step towards change, we can break free from fear-based actions and experience true freedom. When we hear God’s calling and respond in obedience and faith, instead of letting our fears and insecurities hold us back and keep us stuck, we unlock a world of possibilities and opportunities for our life.
Are you seeking guidance, support, and breakthroughs in your organization’s personal or professional journey? Katrina can offer practical tips, tools, and insights to help them overcome obstacles and confidently move forward. As a speaker, she can provide valuable knowledge and expertise in various areas, such as taking action toward God’s call despite fears and insecurities, prayer, personal development, and goal setting.
By hiring Katrina as a speaker, you can join the many others who have been inspired by her teachings. With her guidance, your team can gain the confidence and motivation to say yes to God’s call on their life and achieve their dreams and goals. Although the road ahead may be challenging, Katrina’s message of obedience over fear, faith, prioritizing God’s will, courage, and determination can empower your organization to realize that anything is possible with God at the helm and the right mindset and support.
Take that first step today and invest in your team’s growth and success by booking Katrina as a speaker for your upcoming event.