What is the Lymphatic System? Most people only relate to this as having something to do with Lymphoma, breast cancer, or having some tumor. However, the lymphatic system is one of the most vital systems in our bodies and plays an essential role in good health. It filters out organisms that cause disease, produces white blood cells, and generates antibodies. It manages our day-to-day fluids that get dispersed throughout our body. Plus, it causes swelling and reduces swelling in musculoskeletal injuries. It filters out our body from toxins and germs and acts as a barrier to infection.
This system is very complex. Our body has 107 lymph nodes spread throughout. The major organs or lymph nodes are tonsils, adenoids, spleen, the thymus, among many other lymph nodes, and lymph ducts. These create a milky liquid called Lymph that contains white blood cells called lymphocytes, proteins, and fats. This Lymph will seep outside the blood vessels into the bloodstream, in and out of the arteries, through the veins, lymph nodes, and into the Lymph.
Suppose our Lymphatic system is not doing its job and not functioning correctly. In that case, we become more susceptible to sickness and disease. With the lymphatic system not working well, when we get an injury, we will see an above-average increase in swelling at the injury site. The other thing is that when the lymphatic system cannot do its job well, it will struggle to eliminate the excess fluid in the area, which could create added scar tissue. For example, if you roll your ankle and it swells up, to help reduce the swelling, you would need your lymphatic system to take charge and flush out the excess fluid.
There is a manual technique called Manual Lymph Drainage. This technique, usually performed by a licensed massage therapist, will help stimulate the lymphatic system. Only some people are candidates for this technique. The licensed professional will inform you if you are a good candidate for this. If you have an injury, having this technique done right away could be very beneficial in speeding up the recovery process. You can also try some other things, such as 100% Pure Grade Essential Oils, that will stimulate the function of the lymphatic system. Those oils include Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Sage, and Juniper. Besides aiding in the lymphatic system function, there are other great health benefits to all of these.
I, along with many other health and fitness professionals, have been taught to R.I.C.E. Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate for the longest time. I continue to see this taught today by many professionals. Some teach (M) Move instead of Rest to stimulate the lymphatic system and help the fascial system not get gunked up.
However, if we understand the lymphatic system’s role and ability to speed up recovery, decrease swelling, and flush away toxins in our bodies, we would not Ice anymore or at least limit the time we spend icing an injury. We want to help aid in the promotion of getting this system to function the way it is supposed to. Once I understood the lymphatic system’s role, I stopped using Ice for myself or clients who came to me with an injury for most of the issues. We switched to heat and only iced if the pain was too great or there was so much swelling that the Ice was necessary for the 1st 24 hours to reduce swelling.
I will leave you with this one video that I find intriguing! It is an interview with an industry guru who does not use Ice to reduce swelling and understands how to maximize the lymphatic system to its fullest potential after sports-related injuries. He has had years and years of experience working with one sports team after another, with great success. You decide, Ice or Heat? Here is Gary Reinl…watch this video…He knows his stuff!
As always, consult your doctor before beginning any new program to get cleared. If you would like more information on the lymphatic system, essential oils to help stimulate the function of the lymphatic system, you would like training or want to enroll in one of my coaching programs, click here to contact me. I am always happy to help answer any question or guide you down the right path to leading a healthy and happy life!