Metabolic Training (MT) is a short series of exercises done as fast as possible, generally timed with minimal rest between sets. Some of you may have even done a MT workout before and not even know it! There are many different types of MT workouts, and trainers across the globe manipulate the MT programs for what is best for their clients. From what I have learned, MT exercises would consist of exercises that are compound loading the body structurally. They will include muscle groups to fire off at the same time. No matter what the style: timed reps/rest/sets or counted reps with timed rest/sets, a MT workout should be challenging, and you should be breathless by the end of your workout! One of the infamous and most difficult is CrossFit. I recommend this to someone who has built a solid physical fitness base before joining CrossFit.
Here are some guidelines to follow for Metabolic Training:
- Proper Warm-up – You should ensure that you are doing an adequate warm-up before beginning your MT workout. Your warm-up should consist of 15 minutes of dynamic movements that mimic the exercises you will do in your workout. It can be longer if you want, but 15 minutes would be considered an adequate warm-up. NOTE: Avoid static stretching as part of your warm-up, as it can weaken the muscles before exercise. Save these stretches for the cool-down.
- Proper Form – Proper form is a must!!! I can not stress this enough, no matter what the exercise, the trainer, or what you tell yourself. If you can not maintain proper form during a workout, you may need to change the weights, speed, or exercise altogether. Allowing your body to sustain Proper Form will train your body to fire off the correct muscle groups while performing these movement patterns and preventing injuries.
- Times per Week – If you are a Beginner, I recommend only adding a MT workout into your routine 1 x per week. For the Intermediate/Advanced, 2 x per week. For the Advanced Athlete, if you insist, 3 x per week max. Just ensure your body gets adequate rest to recover and rebuild those muscles.
- Intensity – Your intensity should be high! MT workouts are meant to be very demanding and put a lot of stress (good stress) on your body. However, they should not be so intense that you throw up, pass out, or are so exhausted that you never want to do it again or set foot in the gym again. Put in the effort, yet do not go overboard while performing a MT workout.
- Proper Cool Down – This is often overlooked. However just as important as warming the body up, especially after such an intense bout of exercise. Your cool down should consist of standing stretches first, then kneeling, and then stretches and foam rolling exercises that you will do lying down. The reason is that you do not want to stop and lie down after your intense session. Immediately laying down will cause the blood to pool in your legs and could cause you to get light-headed or even pass out. Following the progression of stretches above as your heart rate comes down will prepare your body to lie down and prevent this from happening. Stretching and foam rolling those muscles are also essential to help recover and lessen your soreness.
Some Great Benefits of Metabolic Training:
- Increased VO2 Max – If you have read one of my recent blog articles on VO2 Max testing, you will know the benefits of greater cardio output. If not, here it is. If your VO2 Max increases, you will be able to perform better and work hard more efficiently. Increased VO2 Max means the same exercises that once seemed challenging will now seem easy to you, and your breathing will be less demanding in simple terms.
- Large Muscle Groups are Used – Since MT workouts use compound movements, you use large and multiple muscle groups in the exercises. You are building strength during your workout, which increases your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) and burns more calories during the workout, leading me to #3.
- A BIG AMOUNT OF CALORIES BURNED IN SHORT PERIOD – That is right, despite the studies coming up with different numbers as to how many calories get burned during a session, they all conclude that MT workouts will burn higher amounts of calories than from a traditional weight program or hopping on the elliptical.
- Burns Stored Fat – MT workouts promote our bodies to burn our stored fat which will drop our Body Fat%. Getting rid of unwanted, stored fat is what we should desire over weight loss. As much as weight loss is essential for some, the most crucial factor is to get your Body Fat % to decrease. High amounts of Visceral Fat will lead to a more significant increase in potential sickness and disease.
- Seeing Results – You can start seeing the results within your first 30 days. However, fitness results are best when consistently working out for 90 days or more. As your BF% drops, you can start seeing your clothes fitting looser and the definition of some of those muscles you had and maybe some you didn’t know you had.
Here is a sample 1 circuit workout for a Metabolic Training program:
This workout is only a guideline for the time for each exercise, rest periods, and how many exercises in each circuit to perform.
- Beginner – 30 seconds reps, 30 seconds rest, 4 exercises per set, no more than 2 circuits
- Intermediate – 40 seconds reps, 20 seconds rest, 4 exercises per set, no more than 2-3 circuits
- Advanced – 60 seconds reps, 10 seconds rest, 5 exercises per set, no more than 3-4 circuits
SAMPLE CIRCUIT For Intermediate
- Squat to Row – Intermediate
- Mountain Climber – Intermediate
- Step-up to Press – Intermediate
- TRX Side Tucks – Intermediate
- Lateral Lunge w/Crossbody Arm swing – Advanced
Remember the above guidelines for a warm-up and cool-down. Feel free to mimic, add, or change the exercises to make the workout your own.
As always, consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program, especially one of such intense nature. If you have more questions on Metabolic Training or want to enroll in one of my coaching programs, click here to contact me. I am always happy to help answer any question or guide you down the right path to leading a healthy and happy life!